We Are Not the Same: Generating Accessible Intelligence Reports

"We are all different." seems like a simple, easy to understand statement, right? Each of us is different and, in the OSINT world, we leverage those differences to generate creative methods to investigate our subjects and in processing the data we collect. Different is good. Embrace it. And yet, there are times when we forget... Continue Reading →

Obsidian: The All-in-One Documentation Powerhouse

What is Obsidian? At its most basic, Obsidian is a documentation tool. You write your notes in it instead of a text editor, word processing tool, or even a MindMap. The software is free for personal or educational use, and for companies with 1 employee. For those working in companies with 2 or more employees,... Continue Reading →

We are OSINT Curious!

I've been working with some of the incredible people in the OSINT world for a while. Most are amazing and so willing to share ideas. So we decided to create a trusted, online resource at https://OSINTCurio.us Definitions OSINT - "a method of using open source tools to collect information from publicly available sources and then... Continue Reading →

OSINT Map: A MindMap for Your Investigations

This is a guest post by Steve Hall (https://twitter.com/shall_1). Thanks for writing it Steve! Update - 2022-03-171. Micah updated the MindMap file to version 2. Little less cluttered and more focused. It is in the same GitHub location and called "OSINT_Maps2.xmind"2. I've moved from MindMaps to Obsidian for documentation. Check out the blog post https://webbreacher.com/2022/03/15/obsidian/... Continue Reading →

Introducing OSINT YOGA

I absolutely love all of the public projects where people share their favorite OSINT bookmarks with others. You've most likely seen some of them. [UPDATE] Bruno Mortier (@digintelosint) created an excellent resource of resources page at https://start.me/p/ZME8nR/osint where a bunch of these sites are catalogued. Head over there and check them out! If you haven't... Continue Reading →

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