WhatsMyName Project

What Is It? I've created the WhatsMyName project on Github (https://github.com/WebBreacher/WhatsMyName) to help with #OSINT searches by using target user names. Here's how it works: We understand that people use the same username across multiple web sites. For example, I am "WebBreacher" on both the Github and BitBucket web sites. Some web sites make it... Continue Reading →

LIRC and Findings Template

Quick blog post to publish some documents I've created over the years.Sample Web Application Pen Test Excel Report Formathttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4pazXmFTvF2dGFYdlJYWDVKUkk/view?usp=sharingSometimes you don't need a full Word document to share your test results. That is what this doc is. It has just the facts and should be combined with a ZIP file of test data such as... Continue Reading →

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